Patient information and consent forms are a necessary part of receiving appropriate medical care. In order to save you time at your visit, please feel free to print off the consent forms below and read and sign them before arriving for your appointment. After completing them you can either bring them with you to the visit or fax them to us: (972) 438 2077
You will also need to complete our Patient Registration form, Patient Health History forms (Part 1 of 2 and Part 2 of 2), and our Review of Systems form. This can either be done at the time of your visit or beforehand at our Secure Patient Portal. In order to complete these forms online you will need to create an account with our Secure Patient Portal.
You’ll find these four forms on the “Health Forms” page within the portal.
Additional Forms (Print only as needed)
To read the POSM Notice of Privacy Practices (click here)
Consent to Medical Treatment of a Minor (Download here)
Release of Medical Records (Download Here)
MRI Testing (only if having your MRI at POSM – (Download Here)
Para formas en espanol (Descarque aqui)
You will need the Adobe Reader to view and print these documents.
2120 N. MacArthur Blvd
Suite 100
Irving, TX 75061
Ph: (972) 438 4636
(972) 438 2077